Many families get their drinking water supply from a private well. It's best to check if the water is safe and clean for consumption. As all water wells use groundwater, it's important that the water well is inspected regularly to ensure the water is safe for drinking. J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership offers reliable water well drilling services in Kamloops.
There are many things you can do to avoid well water contamination to prevent several illnesses and other health complications. We have discussed a few of them in our blog.
What Contaminates Well Water?
Well water can be contaminated by both natural sources (such as floods) and human activities (such as fertilizer storage and manure stockpiles).
Waste leakage from storage or septic tanks can reach nearby water sources, contaminating it.
Fertilizers, human and animal waste can also contaminate a private well.
Organic chemicals and heavy metals utilized in plumbing can contaminate private wells.
Fluoride usually exists in water well. Though it may prevent tooth decay in minimal quantities, excessive consumption can cause tenderness of bones and joints.
Tips to Protect Well Water from Pollution
1. Inspect Your Well
Ensure that your surface seal is intact. This will help water in preventing water from migrating alongside the casing and getting into your well. Check the well cap, seal and vent for leaks.
2. Water Well Buffer
Keep a buffer of 100 feet around your well water. Garden storage, animal waste or chemicals should not be dumped in the 100 feet buffer.
3. Livestock
Maintain a minimum distance of 50 feet from the well when constructing animal pastures. Shield manure from rain to avoid nutrients and bacteria from reaching groundwater. Keep livestock and animals away from the well at all times.
4. Septic Systems
It is better to construct the septic systems as far away from the water well as possible. Household septic tanks should be pumped every three to five years for proper maintenance. It’s better to have maintenance records ready for the work performed on your septic system.
5. Inspect Older Wells Regularly
The age of your well is an important factor in determining if the drinking water is contaminated. Older wells are at a higher risk of contamination owing to their poor design and casing issues. Well pumps may leak lubricating oils, which can seep into the well water. The well casing can also erode and weaken. It is best to inspect older wells and get them repaired.
6. Natural Disasters
Flooding, landslides or other natural disasters can contaminate the water in your well. Avoid drinking well water after floods. Disinfect the well and get rid of the floodwater before consumption.
Additional Tips
Inspect wells for problems related to well casing, missing well cap and cracking of surface seals or corrosion. Ensure the well is properly constructed.
Test the well water for contamination from harmful bacteria, nitrates and other contaminants.
Check if the concrete slab surrounding the well is intact and is sloped to drain surface water away from the well casing.
Avoid filling up your unused well with sand, gravel or garbage.
Install a sanitary well cap to prevent unauthorized use of the well.
Read our blog - 5 things to know about water wells –to learn how to maintain your water well
At J.R. Drilling Central Limited Partnership, we provide residential water well drilling in British Columbia. We have been providing both residential and commercial clients with quality services for over 25 years. Give us a call or visit our website for more information on our water well drilling services.