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Your Guide to Well Closures

With three million Canadians relying on well water, making sure your well is safe is of the utmost importance.

There are, unfortunately, many ways in which well contamination can occur. If your well becomes contaminated, it can have some serious health repercussions for you and your family.

Well closure can happen all too often as a result of contamination. But, although sometimes inconvenient, it is usually for the best.

If you are facing a similar situation, read on for more information about well closures, contamination, and how this can affect your family. 

What is a Well Closure?

A well closure is just what it sounds like - sort of.

Closing a well is sometimes referred to as decommissioning a well or sealing a well. The terms all cover the same action. 

When a well is closed, professionals seal it in such a way that any contaminants will not leach into nearby water sources, such as groundwater or another well.


What Causes a Well Closure?

A variety of different scenarios can trigger a well closure.

Pollution is one of the top reasons professionals seal a well off. Even if well drilling is done with no problems at installation, pollutants can still find their way into wells.

Run off from chemicals, fertilizer, and waste products can leach into the ground and into your well. Old storage tanks that do not have properly disposed contents can leach into the ground into water sources. Abandoned wells are also top candidates for well closures.


How are Well Closures Performed?

The best way to prevent well closure is to stay on top of maintaining your well. But, sometimes even your best efforts can't prevent the inevitable.

The technique for closing a well is generally the same across the board. There may be slight variations in materials and execution depending on unique situations.

For the most part, a professional will fill the well with grout. The well pump, inner pipe, and any blockages or obstructions within the well are removed. The grout then fills the space.

The grout fills the well from the bottom up. Once the material hardens up, water will not be able to find its way in or out of the well.

The unfortunate side of this operation is that a brand new well drilling must happen. But the good news is that closing a well also helps to seal away contaminants that could affect the health of your family.


How to Stay Informed

Keeping on top of the safety of your well is of the utmost importance. 

If you have any suspicions about contaminants in your well water, don't hesitate to contact us. At JR Drilling Central, our experienced professionals are ready to handle all your well-related jobs. We offer no-obligation quotes on our services.

We are more than happy and ready to assist you with your well closure project. Don't hesitate! Get in touch with our professional team today.


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